You CAN heal from Anxiety
For those who suffer with anxiety:
It is entirely possible to heal from anxiety even if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder since I was a teenager and through my many years of spiritual practice, I was always seeking ways to not feel like an anxious mess. I have had so many days where I couldn't leave my room because my anxiety was so horrible and felt completely crippled by it.
When I say that is possible to heal from anxiety I don't mean that you recieve some healing session and you never experience anxiety again, far from it. Healing does not mean the cessation of symptoms, healing means being able to experience true well-being even if the symptoms are present and to be able to skillfully navigate life and thrive even if the symptoms are still present. Also, Anxiety is a normal human emotion and one that we would not be complete beings without so trying to eliminate it is not only not possible, but not healthy either.
What most people don't realize is that the actual sensations of anxiety are caused by energy sensations that we feel in our bodies.
We all feel energy sensations and some of us are far more sensitive to these sensations than others. One thing that is very important to learn os to distinguish between hucha and sami. sami is light energy as in the opposite of heavy, not the kind of light we see with our eyes but it also means expanded or relaxed energy. hucha is heavy energy but also means contracted or tense energy.
When parts of our bodies and energy feilds are contracted, it can feel uncomfortable and can cause a constriction in the flow of living energy that is meant to be flowing through us and if we never release that tension for long periods of time, it can lead to all manner of problems and illness.
in my experience, people with a lot of anxiety are almost always very energy sensitive people who already feel far more energy sensations than other people and then tend to contract in response to overwhelming sensations that they feel which only causes far more discomfort.
I have been able to take many people from states of extreme anxiety to states of deep relaxation within a couple of minutes simply hy guiding them to unlench the contracted parts of their energy fields. this not only releases the hucha but allows the emotion of anxiety to move on as is it's natural course. Emotions are natural, including anxiety but we are meant to shift from one emotional state to the next and not experience one emotion for any more than 20 minutes at a time. when energy is contracted in an area of the body, the flow of ALL energy is slowed sometimes to a near halt and that means that anxiety that may have just shown up in your body for 5 minutes and been completely gone and replaced by joy, is now stuck unable to move on and now generating even more contracted energy thus slowing it's movement down even more in a vicious cycle that keeps everything stuck.
It really can be as simple as bringing your awareness into the contracted part of your body/ energy feild and using your tool of intention to soften and relax the contracted energy to get things moving again and shift states.
I have been able to stop a panick attack in It's tracks for myself by becoming aware of the moment I am holding onto certain energies and immediately intending that I release the contraction. I have not just done this once or a few times but more times than I can count. and many times I am able to shift from extreme anxiety to deep peace in a mere minute because of this practice.
I am not perfect at it, there are times when I become very distracted and remain contracted instead of expanded for long periods of time but I am always improving as I practice.
Now please know that this is not the only thing going on when we experience anxiety. I wouldn't be able to do this of I didn't know how to still/quiet my mind when I need to. it takes real present moment conscious awareness to do this and many people are very addicted to the thinking mind and cannot even break free of it for a moment to even attempt a practice like I described above.
there are also an endless other number of scenarios that can cause a person to be unable to release and let go. trauma, soul fracture, entity issues, escapism, the list goes on and on but I have experienced many of these things for myself and have been able to address many of these issues so that I can move into a space where simple practices work but I can tell you that doing the work is worth it.
again, I am not done healing. I still carry many wounds and have a lot of healing work to do but I choose to face these things and heal because the alternative doesn't work for me.
I hope this message found someone and has given them inspiration or hope that yes, you can heal.