The magic of Shamanic Journeying
During Last night's Shamanic Journey experience, two of the people who attended, while traveling through the spirit realms, encountered the same small green being in a tree.
Both people had never met eachother before tonight and there was no talk about anything like this beforehand and both were completely silent during the experience and when talking about their experience afterward, they both described the same small green being even down to the fact that it has a small amount of whispy hair.
I absolutely love when things like this happen. many of us, when we begin practicing something like Shamanic journeying worry about thoughts such as "how do I know I'm not just making this us or imagining this" and the truth is, you are! you are making it up in the same way that you are making up this whole universe that we call the "physical reality"
what most people don't realize is that our imagination is the power through which we simultaneously create and percieve reality.
When we are traveling through the realms of spirit during a shamanic journey, we are using our imagination to percieve very real co-creational realms where beings have their own lives, their own unique emotions and thoughts and experiences. But this doesn't have to be something that you take anyone's word for. just like this beautiful experience last night, if you are open to it, spirit will give you PROOF of just how real all of this is.
having been an atheist before my near death experience that led to my spiritual awakening, when I started to be able to feel and see energy and spiritual beings, I still had a lot of doubt about everything but spirit came through time and time again with undeniable evidence of just how real everything I was experiencing is. In fact, spirit was basically pounding it into my head and into my heart with undeniable experience after undeniable experience to the point where after several years, It wasn't even possible for me to doubt my experience any longer.
When this experience happened for the two at the shamanic journey workshop last night, it just lit me up inside and was one of the countless reminders that I recieve on an almost daily basis that spirit isn't trying to hide it's mysteries from anyone, nor does it ask for blind faith or even belief, when we are open to recieve it, spirit will put all of our doubts to rest so that we can move into a deeper place of trust in our own experience and start to really truly enjoy the present moment where so much incredible magic exists to be tasted like the beautiful nectar of the divine that it is!